
Thursday, January 24, 2013

Baby Steps, Again

I greatly admire people who are solid in their cleaning routines.  I mean, they clean on a certain day and they do it for YEARS.  (Yes, dear JoAnn, I'm thinking of you.)  I tend to be blown with the wind on this one.  My house is not supper dirty, but it doesn't get a regular once over consistently.  Well,in my defense, it does get a good cleaning every other week when we host small group, but not weekly.  On the off weeks, things slide a bit.  And I admit I am fine with this.  But, at the same time, I would think I could do better.  So, I decided it was tine to revisit my old friend, Flylady.

Once upon a time, I was a big Flylady fan following her word to the letter for several years. I still appreciate her ways.  I've held fast to her daily routines, faithfully.  But cleaning in the zones had fallen off.  So, last week, I started doing her zone missions again.

Flylady says not to do any detailed cleaning until your house is decluttered.  I do purge my house on a regular basis, so I think it is as clutter free as is possible for a homeschooling family.  Let's not go into the garage, though, OK.  :)

Last week the zone to work in was our bathrooms.  This week is the master bedroom.  I was happy when my husband even noticed that I had been working on our room.  It is not in a horrible state, but it did have a hot spot or two brewing and it is rather dusty.  Flylady says your master bedroom should be the cleanest room in your house.  Ouch.

Today, I am going to finish the zone cleaning up there.  I am going to dust the baseboards, dust everything for that matter!  I'm also going to sweep the carpet behind things that never move, and change the sheets.  Earlier in the week, I washed our pillows.  When was that last done?  Never, I think!

In the process, I have discovered that I enjoy a little outside help reminding me of little jobs that need to be done.  It's fun knowing that others around the world are working a little harder on their bedrooms this week right along side me.  It also helps motivate me in the afternoons when I'd rather been lazy.  Ah, there is that lazy word again!

So, as I baby step my way back to good health, and I am also going to baby step my way to a cleaner house!


  1. This is exactly where I am too. I actually took the baby step of creating a check list for zone cleaning, and that is as far as I've gotten.
    Enjoy your clean zone, ahh, so restful.

    1. Since you've been sick, Melissa, I hope you'll be kind to yourself and not push it. :)

  2. Good for you, Jenn! Inspiring post. I'm in a similar situation that has spanned a few years--health issues, too busy, etc.--to be consistent with my housecleaning. (I wish!) I've had a FlyLady plan for a long time but just not able to stick to it. But you've stated a good reminder--baby steps! I'm right there with you.

    Blessings on your efforts, my friend!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement, Wendy! I like the little missions Flylady sends out because they really don't take time, but over time, they sure add up!

  3. Find your niche and obviously working with FLY Lady helped.. Although I enjoy a good cleaning, Organizing and being creative is my thing :)

  4. It sounds like you are doing great. Cleaning is the last thing I want to do, and the only reason I do it weekly is so it doesn't pile up on me and make my cleaning time that much longer. :) I'm glad that FlyLady works so well for you, that is so good. I'm sure your house looks great.
