
Saturday, February 2, 2013

It's a Process

For me, homemaking has been a process that has taken years to develop.   I'm truly blessed to be able to stay home and keep my family going.  Looking back, I'm reminded how far I've come in 17 years, but I still struggle in areas I've always had trouble in, mostly wanting too much leisure time.   Progress is being made, though.

I used to buy and serve a lot of processed foods.  Now,  I make as much as I am able. I finally am making salad dressing.  I've always had a mental block with that, thinking I liked the convenience of buying it.

I used to buy chemical cleaners.  I then bought natural cleaners when a friend was selling them.  Now,  I'm going back to good old vinegar, baking soda, and the like.  I have used baking soda and apple cider vinegar to wash my hair for a couple years.  I'm finally going to make laundry soap.  I decided to try to get rid of as many chemicals in my home as possible.

I've finished the 3rd week of following Flylady's routines, certainly not perfectly.  I was proud of myself when I realized that I wasn't going to get to everything on my long list this week.  I would have liked to have vacuumed under the seat cushions.   So, I'll get them next time.  We (yes, the kids helped) got baseboards done in two rooms.  Something that I normally wouldn't do very often.

I love being a homemaker.  It's challenging.  It's a blessing to my family.   It's a gift from God. I wouldn't trade my job for any other.

*Photos from my mom's lovely new home.


  1. Those odd jobs are the hardest things for me. Cleaning behind the washer, dryer, fridge. We don't have baseboards to clean. :) Something the landlord never installed. But it's always things like that that get put off for as long as possible. It looks and sounds like you are doing great. :)

  2. I am really loving this post Jen, very real, honest and sharing your day to day accomplishments and even acknowledging the missed ones, is a breath of fresh air. Your sentiments on the honesty of your domestic life, is a comfort to me.. and I feel you a kindred spirit in this.. I too have strengths and weaknesses, and yep the "leisure time" can get on me too... I am either wanting to feel the need to do this do that so I can be seen as a wonder wife and mom or I get freaked out and think I need more down time.. Its a vicious cycle.. lol BALANCE BABY.. THANK YOU for sharing this.. and wow are those your pics? Very clean!!!! and Organized


  3. Have you made your laundry soap? I am interested in how it works on dirty clothes. Do you buy the large bag of baking soda at Costco? I use it in our laundry to boost cleaning power of detergent. Baking soda was too much of a drying agent when I used it as shampoo - my hair needs ton of moisture. I guess I'll keep on with the chemicals, but sure do admire you, sweet homemaker! :D
