Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I ♡ Antique Malls

I think I've mentioned before that I do not enjoy shopping.  Recently I rediscovered that isn't exactly true. I had forgotten how much I enjoy antique malls.

One lovely fall day, we spent 3 hours walking around, looking at and remembering things we had long ago. Oh, if only I knew way back then that my unwanted junk would be worth so much now!

We did bring home a few treasures. We found an upholstered ottoman,  4 mugs to match our 70's Correll,  and a couple Christmas tree ornaments. My 12 year old son used birthday money to buy a knife. And, many of the vendors gave a 30% discount for cash!

 This particular mall is 40 minutes away, near a favoriye park, making it a good day trip stop. We will be back! I have my eye on a Pyrex bowl set!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Contentment in Nature

My cousin took this photo while out on a walk with her dog one morning.  When I look at it, I feel such contentment, so I thought I'd share it here.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

When Dreams Are Put on Hold

Our recent move seemed like the perfect opportunity to realize some dreams, but alas, that was not in the budget.  Our new home, while lovely and very cozy, sits in the middle of a typical newer neighborhood, something I thought I would never do again.

The bottom line was this is what we could afford.  There were no homes on land in our price range that were inhabitable.  Either you had a nice house on no land or land with a house that needed tearing down.  So, in the spirit of this blog, I am truly content to be where I am.

I am thankful we can own a home again, something I did not dare think about too much.  I am thankful to have all that I need and a lot of what I wanted.  I will work to make this home, home.  And truly, if this home were on 5 acres, I would not be any more content.  The 5 acres would just require more effort and perhaps right now a quarter of an acre is plenty.