Friday, February 28, 2014

My Little Notebook

Electronic journals, readers and calendars are very handy.  But, I  have always loved paper.  I keep a paper calendar.  I prefer books in print. And, for the last several years, I have been writing little bits and bobs in my paper notebook, along with blogging.  I call it my Homemaker's Journal.

On the first page, I have written, "Hard work means prosperity; only fools idle away their time."  Proverbs 12:11.  Oh, do I need this verse!

In my little paper notebook, I write my weekly menus.  I write short "to do" lists for each day.  I write cleaning lists.  I copy recipes that I want to try.  I also write down quotes that I want to remember.  And I write check lists so that when we have to be away from home for a day, I can check the list and not forget little things that are so easy to forget. It is not fancy at all.  It's written in a composition notebook that I usually pick up a few for 50 cents around back to school time.  Usually one will last all school year.  But, I love it.

Here are the last few things I wrote in my notebook:

This week I found a formula for shower cleaner, which I made today.  I will try it out tomorrow.

1 part vinegar, warmed up.
1 part Dawn dish washing liquid, stirred in.
Put in spray bottle and get busy!

This quote from J. C. Ryle , "It costs something to be a true Christian.  It will cost us our sins, our self-righteousness, out ease, and our worldliness."  Hit me where I live, in my comfort zone!

Crash Hot Potatoes (The were really good!)
Red potatoes, as many as desired, boiled until fork tender.
Preheat oven to 450F.
Drizzle baking sheet with olive oil.
Set potatoes on the sheet, gently smash with a masher, rotating both ways.
Drizzle again with olive oil, season with salt, pepper, garlic powder, favorite herbs.
Top with grated Parmesan cheese.
Bake 20 minutes.

What one of my favorite blogs says to do when recovering from an illness, which I was this past week.  

  • Clean something
  • Cook something
  • Plan something
  • Read something
  • Write something
  • Fix something
  • Sew something
  • Serve someone
This little list inspired me to keep going.  

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Cookies, Snow, and Minimalism

My daughter and I made our favorite cut-out cookies yesterday for Valentine's Day.

These are fantastic with layers of flavor.

Do you like to celebrate little winter holidays?  I do.  Celebrating makes life more fun this time of the year, especially when it is snowing again and you are growing weary of snow!

Speaking of snow, we got 5 inches yesterday.  This picture was just the start.  More is coming by morning.  

And finally, a Minimalist Mantra from Money Saving Mom

Stop buying the unnecessary.
Toss half your stuff,
Learn contentedness.
Reduce half again.
List four essential things in
your life, do these first,
stop doing the non-essential.
Clear distractions, focus
on each moment.
Let go of attachment to
doing, having more.
Fall in love with less.