Wednesday, February 10, 2016

7 Things Getting Me Through February

February is a nemesis. These bitterly cold days seem like endless winter, even during our more mild start to winter.  Therefore, it is time to hunker down and look for small comforts that pack a big punch to winter blues and long days with stuffy noses.

Indoor blooms also delight! 

1.  A sunny day ... there is no other like this cure to motivate.

2.  Hot cups of tea... my favorite is called candy cane green tea.

3.  Interlibrary loan... essential when one lives in a library desert.

4.  Creating in my kitchen ... nourishing my family brings me joy.

5.  Fuzzy blankets about ... cozy and inviting.

6.  Scripture memory work... encouraging like balm to my soul.

7.  My notebook ... recording, drawing, a place to think.

Just writing these down here brings a smile to my face.  Remembering to be grateful is an essential winter survival skill.  ;)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Winter Offerings

Yesterday was my "kitchen focus day."  That means I put all my extra energy into food.  I finished prepping a batch of yogurt that I made the day before.  I made pumpkin muffins for the week's afternoon snacks.  And I made a batch of chicken stock.  Half of the stock went into a yummy soup for dinner.  It felt good to be productive in the kitchen!  The recipes that I love are from 100 Days of Real Food.