
Thursday, April 21, 2016

Growing Geraniums Indoors

One of my winter diversions has been to keep my old geranium thriving and multiplying.  I really enjoy growing plants indoors.  I would love to have a greenhouse!


  1. So happy to still follow you here :) Beautiful blooms!!

    1. Thank you! I will get my act together and spend some time visiting blogs soon! I miss keeping up to date with my long time blog buddies.

  2. Love the clean simplicity of this blog. Presents the very restfulness your talking about here. I love geraniums and need to get some here for my pots. I'm not sure I can over-winter it well but I do have a sunny window it might work.

    1. Thank you, Wendy. This particular geranium used to belong to my grandpa. When he went to live at a nursing home in 2009, it became mine. He passed away in 2010. This plant is special or otherwise I might not have kept it alive. I am not known for my green thumb!

  3. Hey Jenn! Long time I know. I kept up with your other blog through my email. Love this blog. I wanted to share with you that you can turn your blog into a book. Will research it later and send a link. All those lovely memories that you ( and the rest of us ! ) captured . Blessings Tina

    1. Thank you, Tina. I have been considering the very same thing. I would love to have a print copy. I also have moved my first homeschoolblogger blog to a wordpress site and that needs printed. The pictures are all messed up, but still it is a good memory bank!

  4. You are doing amazingly well with Gpa. I probably would have long been his demise. My Jeff is finally (after years of me begging) going to build me a greenhouse this summer (LORD willing). We will see if that makes me a better gardener.

  5. Beautiful flowers! I love the red flowers.
