
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Surprise Get Away for Two

When sweet grandparents take your kids away on a vacation to Washington, DC, and your beloved takes a day off to make it a three day weekend, what else is there to do but escape to our favorite park? And on top of it all, the weather at the lake was in the 60's with no rain in sight, while it was 90 degrees at home.  Unbelievable!

I cannot remember the last time we slept in a tent, but we knew we needed to make it work if we wanted to stay budget friendly.  One night was probably all the tent camping that I can take.  But it was such an amazing feeling to be waking up at my favorite park, knowing we had another full day ahead of us.  It was totally worth the effort and the walk to the bathroom!

We had a wonderful whirlwind trip, as the pictures show.  And, we get to go back for a longer trip in three short weeks!


  1. It sounds wonderful, waking up at the beach (although mine would have to be on the Atlantic, 60 is a bit nippy for me). Great pictures. Glad you had an entire date weekend!

  2. It was nippy, but contrasted with the oppressive heat back home, it was amazingly refreshing!

  3. Wow, that's so cool! So glad for you two!

    1. Thank you! We were so blessed to have some time away!

  4. This sounds like a lovely time together!
