
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

What I've Been Reading Lately

Currently, I am reading several books at once.  Do you do that?  Sometimes I have quite a few too many going at once.

Ideally, I like to have one fiction at a time, although I can do more.  This summer, my husband is reading aloud to me a fiction book and I am reading one to myself.  This is quite fun.  I love talking about these books together.  I find having several nonfiction books going at a time slows me down, but I enjoy having the variety to choose from.  My "to-read" list on Goodreads is far, far too long at 81 books.  Will I ever read them all?

So, here is what I am reading...

Side By Side, Walking with Others in Wisdom and Love by Edward T. Welch is the latest book that I have started to read.  I am reading it because I want to be a better small group leader.  My goal is to read one chapter a day.  Who could not use "practical guidance to love others well?" So far I really love this book.  It is easy to understand.

Now You're Speaking My Language: Honest Communication and Deeper Intimacy For a Stronger Marriage by Gary Chapman is also on my currently reading list.  I found this a hard book to get into at first because it covers material that I already know.  I am hanging in there, though.  It is a good refresher book on marriage communication.  I purchased it for $2 on my Kindle, which was worth that much.

Crampton Hodnet by Barbara Pym is our current read aloud.  If you have never read Barabra Pym, you might have missed a gem of a writer. This is my second time through CH, this time with my husband.  I totally enjoy the self-absorbed characters and their foolish paths of destruction.  It is quintessential Brittish dry humor.

Eating Mindfully:  How to End Mindless Eating and Enjoy a Balanced Relationship with Food by Susan Albers (on loan from the library).  I am going to purchase this book as soon as I can find a used copy for a good price.  My number one goal in life, besides loving God will all my heart and soul, is to be a mindful eater!

A Wilder Rose by Susan Wittig Albert is a historical fiction book based on diaries and letters of Rose Wilder Lane and her mother Laura Ingalls Wilder.  This is new territory for me.  I knew that Rose did a bit of the writing for her mother, but this book goes farther into the depths of Rose's involvement.  It is well written and I am enjoying it thus far.

To be read soon...

Home Comforts The Art & Science of Keeping Home by Cheryl Mendelson.  I bought a used copy for $5.  I cannot wait to dig into this BIG book of home keeping!  

Essential Oils for Beginners by Althea Press (on loan from the library).  I do not know much about this book, but I could borrow it from my Kindle and so I did.  I want to learn more about essential oils and this is a good place to begin.

The Complete Emily Starr Collection by Lucy Maud Montgomery.  I bought this collection for $2 on my Kindle.  I am looking forward to it.  I have and love the Anne books.

You Learn by Living by Eleanor Roosevelt.  This is another book that I bought for pennies on my Kindle.  I am eager to see what Eleanor has to say.

What are you reading?  No, wait.  Do not tell me.  I cannot add one more book to my list.  :)


  1. Wow, you are reading quite a lot! That is so sweet that your hubby is reading aloud a book with you! I'm not much of a fiction reader, nor can juggle more than 3 books at a time. But now I feel guilty... time to leave this computer and go read. :) Good idea Jenn. I guess I should post about what I'm reading too -- it will be a short list. :) Cute camp library btw. Is that at the Dunes?

    1. I have always loved to read, made me a good homeschool mom, I think! Yes, that Little Free Library was at the dunes. I want one!!!

  2. I'll be kind...I won't tell ya my list. I've recently discovered the joy of Kindle. I have several books going, and it barely takes up any space on my nightstand. I have always loved the feel and smell of real books, but we have weight limits for moving with the Army. This allows me to have thousands of books at the grand total weight of 1 lb or so....and it fits in my purse!...all the books I'm reading!

    1. I was given a used Kindle for Christmas. Like you, I thought I preferred real books, and I do, but then I figured out how to get free books from the library! No returns, late fees!! And I find Kindle books for $1 or $2 and I can't help myself!!

  3. The Welch book is very good in many ways; I read and reviewed it a while ago. The problem I have with it is that it does not emphasize that professional help is needed for serious problems.

    I had never heard of the Rose and Laura book. Thanks for mentioning it!

  4. Just began a book written by my high school English teacher.
