
Monday, August 15, 2016

Our State Fair in Pictures

Oh, my.  Time certainly flies when school is back in session.  We went to the state fair just before we started back to our lessons.  We had a wonderful time.  I really love our fair.  It is too bad that schools start back so early now.  Most people have to go on the weekends.  I do not know how the 4H kids do the fair at all.  We were very fortunate to be able to go early on the first Saturday.  The weather was warm, but not terrible, which was another mercy.  We also basically ate our way around the fair.  I am glad we also walked over 4 miles.  :)


  1. LOVE the PICTURES!! and do I see a little hand holding ..ha ha ha.. Ahhh Young Loves.. anyhow thanks for sharing your life my friend.. the food picture is making me hungry ;)

  2. When I was growing up, going to the fair was an annual event we all looked forward to. I confess that I haven't been now in many years. Our county fair is usually in the fall and you've inspired me to want to go now!

  3. Late. But I now read your blog. Thank you so uch for the nice photos. Some are cute :-) Nice flower and pompoen.

  4. A fun day at the fair! That is a big sunflower :) I know that I am very late with visits, but I do think of all my blog friends often.
