The dog days of summer are hanging on.
I realize that I am going to soon be complaining about how long winter has hung on and how I am longing for spring! But really, fall is now officially here and it is 90 degrees! The air quality is also suffering, so the windows are back to closed tight. The worst part is that all the pools closed weeks ago.
But, you probably are not here to listen to me complain about the weather!
We took our first college tour this week! I was brave. I really think I am going to be able to let him go. It doesn't matter if I am ready or not, but I am proud of myself for getting to this point. I liked the campus, except for the liberal influences. I wish he wanted to go to a God-honoring school. Again, it is not about me. He has his life to live. And I am proud of his commitment to getting through college with minimal debt, so a state college makes sense. Especially if one is considering a Music Education degree. Teachers don't get the big bucks to repay those big school loans, sadly.
In other news,
We had a great family reunion this year. The kids enjoyed playing board games with one another, and I brought my coloring materials,too.
We had fun despite the heat. That has been life lately, living despite the heat. And, I am so grateful for the life I have.