
Monday, December 12, 2016

50 Favorites Meme ... Why not?

  1. your favorite way to spend a Sunday~ Church, then lunch with extended family, back home to relax until time to go back to church for youth group and a date with Jeff.  
  2. your favorite outfit~Jeans and a pretty sweater
  3. your favorite cookie~ Chewy snickerdoodles
  4. your favorite holiday tradition~ Christmas Eve at Mom and Dad's
  5. your favorite podcast~ "What Should I Read Next" by Anne Bogel
  6. your favorite sound~ My kids laughing 
  7. your favorite color~ Apple green
  8. your favorite flower~ Sunflowers
  9. your favorite book~(fiction) Can't name just one!  I love Gene Stratton Porter, Barbara Pim, LM Mountgomery, Jane Austin
  10. your favorite movie~ Gone With the Wind
  11. your favorite dance move ~ I don't dance
  12. your favorite holiday memory~ Christmas Eve at my grandparent's
  13. your favorite memory overall~ Our wedding
  14. your favorite thing you’ve ever made~ ???
  15. your favorite museum~ Indianapolis Children's Museum 
  16. your favorite way to give~ Through church offerings
  17. your favorite trip to take~ To Lake Michigan
  18. your favorite person to talk to~ My mom
  19. your favorite dinner to eat when it’s cold out~ Homemade soup and bread
  20. your favorite quote~ Jer 29:11: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
  21. your favorite thing to look at~ The sun setting on Lake Michigan or my cat's blue eyes
  22. your favorite act of self-compassion~ Give permission to say no when needing down time
  23. your favorite kind of weather~ Sunny and 60 degrees
  24. your favorite poem~ Something by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  25. your favorite way to brighten your day or someone else’s~ Do something nice for them
  26. our favorite time of the day~ Early morning
  27. your favorite fabric~ Cotton
  28. your favorite word~ Grace
  29. your favorite way to practice self-care~ Make time for being home
  30. your favorite place to rest~ At home on the couch 
  31. your favorite photo~ My grandparent's wedding photo
  32. your favorite beverage~ LaCroix
  33. your favorite blog~ Like Mother, Like Daughter 
  34. your favorite way to play~ At a state park
  35. your favorite piece of jewelry~ My great grandmother's ring
  36. your favorite work of art~ A painting my grandmother gave me that hangs in the dining room
  37. your favorite dream~ ???  
  38. your favorite mistake~ My cats!  
  39. your favorite part of your body~  My hands 
  40. your favorite topic to read about~ Getting organized 
  41. your favorite gift~ New tires for our van this Christmas
  42. your favorite way to feel loved~ Being noticed, treated with courtesy, treated with respect
  43. your favorite way to move your body~ Ride my bike
  44. your favorite song to relax to~ Jazz
  45. your favorite song to dance to like no one’s watching~  Still don't dance
  46. your favorite voice~ My youngest son's voice
  47. your favorite holiday scent~ Pine
  48. your favorite scent in general~ Baking cookies
  49. your favorite thing to read when you need a pick-me-up or pep talk~ The Psalms
  50. your favorite place to hang out, where you can genuinely be yourself~ HOME!!!