They are random. They are simple. They are from the heart!
At the top of my "blessings page," I write, "Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God" from Psalm 50:14a.
- The worst of winter is mostly behind us!
- My church isn't afraid to take time for difficult topics.
- The gift of long lasting friendships.
- Enough energy to do the things I ought to do.
- Just eleven more days until spring.
- Three precious children who are home to enjoy.
- Weeds to pull because that means spring is near!
- Good vet visit for Pippin.
- Spring break! A change and much-needed rest.
- Klove and Air1 to keep me praising the Lord all day long.
- Rainy, spring weather.
- Saturdays that Jeff can work from home.
- Our online school's teachers.
- A date with Jeff at Culvers.
- Grandparents who take the kids away for 5 days!
- An old washer and dryer that keeps on going.
- Sunshine is the best.
- The ability and desire to grow in Christ.
- Casseroles.
- Extended family lunches after church.
- Youth group leaders who love on my kids.
- Abundant access to books.
- A dear husband who loves us.
- More daylight.
- Psalm 40
- Robins singing in the morning.
- A flat tire discovered at work, not a blow-out on the highway! (Two this month)
- Old vans that keep on going.