
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Finally a System!

Since 2009, I have been keeping household journals that have evolved from a place to hold my to-do lists into a weekly-at-glance with a to-do list, memory verse, counting my blessings, write down recipes, quotes, notes, ect., book. Not exactly a bullet journal, but close.  I have filled up 9 composition notebooks, working on number 10. Nothing fancy, but it works for me! 

Fortunately, I started out by numbering pages and making an index in the front of all but the first.  If I wanted to find a recipe, I would dig through the indexes and there it would be.  That is ok when you have a small number of books, but wow, dig through 9 and you have a job.  So....  my dear husband says,"Take a picture of each index and store it on your phone in an album."  Wow!  He's a genius!  It works!  I'd like to say that I used his suggestion as soon as he offered it, but after a few more times digging through the 9 journals, I decided to give it a try.  It's brilliant!  And that's my tip of the month, perhaps the year!


  1. Wow, that is ingenous!!! Funny, I was just complaining to Amber this morning of how I take all these notes and there is absolutely no order (like my brain) and then I never know where to look to recall it.

  2. Thats a great idea.. see.. I knew you had something genius in you. And now look your idea just gave us ideas..

  3. Brilliant! I've lost track of so many gems in my back bullet journals because I never indexed them properly. But this would really simplify things. Thanks for sharing!
