
Sunday, February 16, 2020

Five Things Making Me Happy This Week

Let's just jump in, shall we?

1.  FaceTime!
Regularly we have FaceTime calls with Grace and I love it. Valentine's Day, we set my phone in her spot at the table and talked away as we enjoyed our meal.  It really is almost like she is with us. This is the best gift she could give me!  We frequently text, but nothing compares to seeing her smile and hearing her melodious voice.
Pretending I have a woodstove. 

2.  My Fly Lady routines.
This might be a whole other post soon.  I just can't say enough about how having good routines will get you through the day that ends up successful.  I have 3 routines, morning, afternoon and after dinner.  They are essential! More soon.
Valentine's Day gift!

3.  My Instant Pot!
I know.  I can't say enough about my IP.  Just this week I have made soup, yogurt, chicken stock, and cheesecake.  It would have been more but when I am making yogurt it is tied up for 9 hours plus time in the refrigerator, so I had to use my oven and my cast iron dutch oven this week, too.  Haha.  My 6 quart IP is on loan to a friend who is enjoying it so much that if she can fit 2 racks of ribs in it she will keep it.  Otherwise, she will buy herself an 8 quart.  I have enjoyed helping her overcome her fears of the pressure cooker and see her soar this week!
Trevor hard at work. 

4.  My Kindle.
I am reading again.  I am out of my drought!!  Currently, I am reading A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles.  So far it is a pretty good book with an interesting plot.  One of my Fly Lady routines in the afternoon is "Be a reader."  I decided that if I was indeed a reader, the way to read was to set aside some of naptime for reading a chapter as well as other things I need to get done without babies.  It has been working!
Tea after an arduous snowy carpool. 

5.  My stationary bike.
Another routine that is serving me well is getting on my stationary bike every workday morning.  Moving wakes me up at the early hour of 5:45.  For a couple of weeks, I was either sick or nursing a sore knee so I was so happy to be back up to over 50 miles this week. I do not take it for granted being able to ride. 

So there you have the 5 things that are making me happy this week. 


  1. It's so nice to hear you are now finding the time to fit in things that you really enjoy. I look forward to hearing about your Flylady routine soon!

  2. Fun list, Jenn! I’m so with you on the IP—love, love, love it! I picked up my Kindle this week, too, and am enjoying “Children of the New Forest.” An interesting old one, a kid’s book really. Would have been a good homeschool read-aloud. I’ll have to check out the FlyLady app, sounds inspiring. Too bad you’re all the way across the country—would be fun to have a tea and chat day! :-)

  3. I'm so glad you are enjoying your bike and your kindle. I have heard a lot about instapots but do not have one. Maybe someday....
