Thursday, May 31, 2012

May Garden Update

We have some growing going on!  (And some failures, but that's part of learning!)

I cut off all the old blooms on the mum.  Underneath I found a ton of buds!  The palm is one I am trying to save.  It got stressed this spring.

The green beans are doing well. They are a bit spindly, but that's because the area really doesn't get as much sun as they'd like. 

I know these are really small, but I am happy to see them growing at all.  The cherry tomatoes may or may not do much this year.  I could bring them inside later since they are in pots.  We'll see what happens.

The herb patch continues to hang in there.  Grace is keeping the weeds at bay.  The cilantro is in bloom.  I am amazed that the garlic is alive at all, since it was a clove that sprouted last year in my kitchen cabinet.  I decided to plant it and see what happens.

These beauties were a gift from my Grace.  I love lilies, and these do not disappoint!  This fall, I am going to move them to the front of the house though.

 The broccoli and cabbage pool is doing well.  I have to thin them.  That is my least favorite job.  I am going to try to replant some of the areas that did not germinate. 

The holyhocks did not do a thing.  So sad, as they are my favorites.  I will try again.  In the meantime, I am going to try sunflowers.  We have a ton of the seeds. 

Here is the over all view of things.  Again, Grace is keeping the area weeded and the grass mulch is really helping, too. 

Here's one last look at my grandfather's geranium.  I just love that thing!  Keeps me connected to him.  I received it in 2009 and he had it for a couple years before that.  Amazing! 


  1. It seems like your garden is doing great, sorry for the one thing that didn't work. I've thought about trying the same thing with a garlic clove. Glad yours is working

  2. We are having some success and failures both in our garden also. My potted celery did NOT appreciate being planted outdoors! :(

    You are being such a good girl about those Momsicles. Good for you. I can definitely see your weight loss in your avatar photo!
