Saturday, June 30, 2012


Finally, I got the tomatoes all in cages.  I had to split up my purchase over two weeks.  Now, I am set for life!  I wish I had them all a couple weeks ago, as the tomatoes were a bit hard to guide into the cages today.  I am worried about one of the plants.  We've had triple digit heat and it seems a bit wilted.  I water each day, and we got half an inch of rain this morning.  I hope it perks up!  Here's a little photo recap of my tomato plants. 

End of May the seeds were planted.



  1. They look great! But during the heatwave I'd get them off the black surface and onto something cooler. I don't think they like their roots that warm.

    1. Thank you so much for that info, Annie Kate! As soon as I read your advice, I ran outside and moved them into the grass next to the driveway! I hope that helps. Next year, my husband says we will build me a proper raised bed right there. If only it were not the only spot in the whole half acre yard that gets decent sunlight.

  2. They look like they are all doing great. You are a very good gardener. :)

    1. Thank you, JoAnn. I am learning! And I do enjoy watching them grow. I would not say I am good at it though. Thankfully, they do a lot of it on their own!!!

  3. They look good, if not a little stressed under the heat. And I'm getting hungry!

    1. If only the plants were not poisonous! :-) Soon, my love, soon!

  4. Nice! They are doing well in pots! I hope you get lots of tomatoes.
