Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Garden Still Hangs On

Credit goes to my daughter who took most of these photos for me this morning...  


  1. The little tomatoes were so good this year. So sad to see them go already!

    1. I agree. It seems like we finally got them to produce and now it is too cold. Lesson learned, start seeds early! Next year!

  2. Wow, lots of produce still hanging on. Enjoy!!!

  3. Looks like some great produce, even this late in the season. And Grace did a great job taking the photos.

  4. Wow, you got a lot of cherry tomatoes! Ours didn't produce so well this year. Nice broccoli! I'm enjoying my zinnias before the frost takes them out. I'm trying to save all of those bright flowers in my heart for winter.

  5. Good for you!
    Our garden was a total bust this year. I think we got 3 tomatoes and a handful of carrots. Hopefully we'll get more rain, and next year's harvest will be better.

    Enjoy your veggies!
