Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A Letter to My Stuff

Dear Stuff I Want Rid Of,

You were once a blessing to me. I know I really wanted you here, but now things have changed. I no longer have a use for you inside my home. So now you sit in my garage, mocking me each time I pass you. I keep you because of fear or out of sentiment.   If I get rid of you, I may need you again, just like a few other things I once had. And, technically,  I do have the space to keep you, so I talk myself out of calling a charity truck to come by. I avoid you when I am able. And, the good stuff hides you.  One day I will have to deal with you, when we move again. Until then, I will try to find courage to say goodbye!

Yours truly,


  1. This had me chuckling and we all can relate to having a love hate relationship with THINGS.. sentimental or not.. I am in the same boat as you..

  2. Yes, it had me chuckling too, and yes I can totally relate. :)

  3. Stuff...it's in my face now--moving has a way of confronting one with the reality of the dominion of our Things! Good luck on your efforts! :-)

    1. Moving, there is no better cure for stuff! We will probably move at the end of our lease. I'd better get busy! (Well, two years is going to be here before I know it! )
