Friday, July 5, 2013

Feeling Blah Today

I woke up feeling a little down today, not to mention having some tummy trouble due to eating off my program yesterday.  I decided the best way to combat these blues was to write a gratitude list.

Cataract Falls, Upper Falls

I am thankful for...

  • A beautiful summer morning with sunshine, cooler temps, birds singing, and time to enjoy being outside on my hammock, praying for myself and others. 
  • My husband who is working hard today for us.  He wanted to take the day off, but decided it was best to go into his office and work.  
  • My children, who are safe and at home with me today. I am thankful for their creativity.   
  • Another chance to eat right today.
  • A slower paced day. 
  • Leftover food from yesterday!  Now I won't have to cook tonight.  
  • My family who came over yesterday and celebrated Independence Day with us.  
  • Friends who are praying for me.  


  1. I understand that blah feeling, especially when you don't eat right. I know that I'm dealing with that too sometimes. I'm thinking of starting to use My Fitness Pal again, just to help boost me up again. But I've been saying that for 3 days, and I haven't done it yet. :)

    1. I think I just needed to be reminded of my blessings, in addition to eating right. It all works together, at least I am finally starting to get it. I hope you get back on track, too. I need to get moving again.

  2. Where is the like button to your response Jenn, thats a great turn around attitude to have when feeling blah, to remember the blessings.. even if we dont hugs sister

  3. Yes, I would "like" this, too! There is so much in the word of God about being thankful and how our attitudes affect us physically. You provide a wonderful example. :)

    I'm with you on the leftovers. I wish we could have leftovers every night for supper. :)
