Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Contentment in Winter

We're having a colder than usual winter, snowier as well. Thankfully, we were still able to go on our annual beach hike at our favorite state park,  Indiana Dunes. We were all dressed warmly, another thing to be grateful for. Our 3 hour drive home was a bit frightful in spots with the wind blowing snow back on the highway  faster than the plows could keep up. All in all, my heart was full and we had a fun family outing.  Only 57 more days until spring!


  1. Looks like a beautiful outing! We're cold too, and snow is expected for the weekend. This is really an old-fashioned winter, but as you said, it's almost over!

  2. Looks and sounds like fun. So glad you all could go. You are getting our snow and cold and we are getting your weather. It's so different this year for us.
