
Saturday, January 7, 2017

Thoughts on Winter

I am not a big fan of winter.  In the past, I have really struggled with the winter blues and it took a major effort to keep a positive outlook all winter long.  I even developed lists of ways to occupy my days, distracting myself at best.  Then, I realized that dreading half of the year was really not a God-honoring attitude.  Yes, it is partially a physical struggle with the decrease in daylight, but it is also a matter of being content in all situations.  So, I have learned to appreciate winter like many people who face long winters.   I love this article about surviving winters in Norway. (Note: I realize that Indiana winters are not that bad and I feel bad for others who have it far, far worse than I do. Hello, my Alaska friends!!)

I am so grateful that this winter feels different, less foreboding.  Perhaps it is because I am really looking forward to the big exciting move we are planning in June, Lord willing.  Maybe it is because I have worked hard to fill my days with meaningful work.  It is most likely an answer to prayer!!  I am thankful, no matter the reason.

There are many things that I am looking forward to this winter.  I have quite a few good books to read.  We celebrate family birthdays in January and March.  I plan to celebrate Valentine's Day, as we did last year.  I want to make lots of soup from homemade broth.  I will be looking for things to fix around the house and things to purge.  There is lots to do to get this house ready to sell.  I am growing an indoor garden, which brings me joy.  Lastly, I have been blessed with good enough health and I need to continue to exercise, which really helps with the winter blues.

I know this is only January and there is a long winter before me, however, I am hopeful that with a little planning, I can actually thrive this winter.  Here's to loving winter!!


  1. I am not a big fan myself, but during these times I do the most work on the inside of the house where as once Spring comes along I want to be OUTSIDE BABY:)

  2. A good post reminder Jenn! Although pretty to look at when I'm warm indoors, I HATE being chilled to the bone and trudging through the snow to do barn chores while my face hurts from the windchill. I was reminded this week that I really didn't have any goals for 2017 which I guess is understandable knowing that my mom will pass away and we will have to deal with everything about her estate and selling her townhome, but at the same time, I'm doing pretty much nothing but surviving until then -- just doing what needs to get done like meals & laundry and nothing else. That has to stop! I made out a to-do list this morning and plan on being more productive and fun, doing stuff for my family, instead of just biding my time. Your move certainly will be something to look forward too and prepare for, I hope you find the perfect home!

  3. This really hit home except that I am the opposite and struggle with summer. Odd how that happens! I was really blessed this summer though with it being better for me, too. I'm not sure that it was a heart thing or an answer to many prayers from the years that the heat exhausted me.

    I will be praying for you to find joy in this winter!
