One of the neat things we get to do now that we are part of a school is to go on field trips with our teachers and classmates. Last week we went to the Indianapolis Museum of Art. We had gone last year when Grace was taking Digital Photography. This year she is taking Advanced Art History with the same teacher, who by the way is awesome! This year we focused on types of art. I just go along for the ride and the opportunity to see great art and talk to other moms. This year I got to see some that I have met in a Facebook group for our school.
Today we went to an organic dairy farm, Traders Point Creamery on the northwest side of Indianapolis. This time Grace's Environmental Science teacher lead the group. Grace got to meet one of her classmates whom she had been corresponding with via email. Her family drove over 3 hours to get to the dairy farm. They were delightful. It was sweet to watch Grace and her friend get to know one another better. I am proud of Grace for making the effort to make new friends. The dairy farm is another post all to itself.
They have 100% grass-fed dairy cows. They gave us samples of cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, chocolate milk and ice cream. We toured their barns and walked out to the pasture to meet the ladies responsible for this delicious milk. I love cows and these were no exception.
We also recently visited our local zoo as a family, another fun trip.
It's a fun time of the year.
Sounds and looks like fun! I always enjoyed fieldtrips with my children. Happy Easter Monday!