A harvest of sorts awaits us....
82 days after planting, the cherry tomato is going to give us a little taste! The package said 70 days to maturation. With this extreme heat and drought, I am happy to get anything at this point.
Our little sunflower bloomed yesterday, too! I always feel so happy when I look at a sunflower. And this one is kind of special, as it was a volunteer! It's like a gift from above, encouraging me along my way.
This summer has been a hard one. I am deeply affected by the drought and heatwave. I feel utterly helpless and dependent on my Father in Heaven for relief. Yet, He doesn't chose to send relief to us. So, I wait and hope.... and smile at this gift.
So sorry about the drought, but glad that you are getting some things from your garden. And so thankful our Lord is in control.