Sunday, July 22, 2012

Why I Made Bread During a Heatwave

Because, I went over budget for the birthday party, that's why!  It seems that I have a difficult time with budgeting for gatherings.  My usual method is to buy what I need with the regular grocery money (that only goes so far during a good week) and let my magical thinking process take over. 

Here's how it works.  I know that there is a celebration coming up.  I am already scrimping to get by, so I just decide to not think too much about it.  I delude myself into thinking the regular grocery money will cover all our regular needs in addition to the food, gifts, and supplies needed for 2 parties as well.  Then, I find myself rather discouraged when the items I bought exceed the resources available. 

I know the solution is to think farther in advance and to find ways to buy things or save a little money ahead of the need.  I know this.  But, I seem to be unable to put this plan into action, mostly because we are usually doing our best to stay close to budget with no extra to save. 

So, this is why I had to make bread today, during a heatwave!  I usually buy our bread from a local bakery that makes its bread from 5 ingredients, one being freshly ground flour.  It's pricey, but worth it to me, because I have one child who is a poor eater and he will eat this bread.  But he will also eat my bread.  I don't normally bake bread in the summer because it really heats up the house.  And right now, we're in a heat wave.  But you do what you have to do when you are out of bread and out of money to get more! 

The bottom line is that I need to budget better for these things.  They are not a surprise.  My children have regular birthdays.  I need to sit down and start planning right now for the next event coming up.  And I need to keep making bread in the summer!  It tastes great and is so much cheaper! 


  1. It looks good, Jenn!
    For about $10-15 you can pick up a bread machine at a thrift store. I know, that's not in the budget, but it would pay for itself quickly. And it wouldn't heat up your house. :)
    I use mine all the time, in fact, it's about worn out. I have my eye open for a "new" one.

    1. Funny thing, Sally, I gave my bread machine away! I decided to just use my mixer because I don't have much cabinet space in my kitchen to keep a lot of things. Oh well. This heatwave won't last forever, right?

  2. I think it's great you're making bread in a heatwave. I wouldn't without my roaster oven. I'm hoping to use it tomorrow or Tuesday and make some. I have some homemade cinnamon raisin bread in the freezer, but we need some regular honey wheat bread instead. You are an inspiration to me, if you can do it, so can I. :)

  3. These summer days are the kinda days I wish I still had my bread machine.. It finally died after having it for 6 years my self and then who knows how long for the previous person.. (thrift store purchase)... it was the best thing..
