Saturday, December 28, 2019

Ending 2019 Intentionally

(Inspired by this post on No Sidebar, where we are encouraged to end our year intentionally with some thoughtful questions.) 

What did I worry about most in 2019?

2019 had too many worries!  My dear husband was very sick with an infection/abscess in his colon.  I worried to no end about him.  We really did not know what we were facing for a long time and then he kept getting worse.  We literally found ourselves facing a nightmare, our bread-winner was to have major surgery with no guarantees of restored health.  I would have to say my biggest fear, other than losing him, was to be without an income or deep in medical debt.  Praise God, none of those fears were realized.  Jeff's health is slowly being restored.  His employer-provided short term disability for 6 weeks!  And our insurance took care of most of the $197,000 bill.  My working paid for our share, $10,000.  God provided once again!

What's one thing that changed about me?

As a result of our trial, I had to step up and do more for myself.  Jeff literally would go to work and come home to bed for weeks on end.  I was mom and dad to our kids.  It was exhausting at times.  I really missed Jeff's companionship, too.  It is only recently that he has started to do more, thankfully!  I did see how I had become lazy, depending on him for little things I could and should do myself.  It also gave me a taste of what it must be like to be a single parent or widow.  I grew in appreciation of my husband's provision and his ability to keep going when he was even at his worst.  I learned to admire him anew. 

If you could go back to last January 1, what suggestions would you give to your past self?

This is a good question!  I am thankful that I ran to my Lord when things got so hard. I was used to praying and reading my Bible so I felt strengthed for the valley of 2019.  So I would tell myself to keep in God's word, pray and surround myself with godly friends because you do not know when you will face a difficult time.  Also, trials do not last forever.  It only feels like circumstances will never change. 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

See Grace? Say Thanks, Always!

Nearly every day, I take a moment and write in my notebook something for which I am thankful.  I've been in this habit for several years now (inspired by Anne Voskamp's 1000 Gifts).  I really enjoy looking back at previous entries, too. 

Recently, our pastor gave us the assignment to write down 10 things a day for a week!  While I decided to only write down 5, it was an interesting exercise, even for someone used to the task.  He told us, "When you see grace, say thanks, always." 

I am very grateful in general, especially now that we have come through a challenging and long season of illness.  I thought this week I would record my observations of grace here along with a few pictures that I have enjoyed recently. 

12/14/19 The gift of a relaxing Saturday afternoon at home.
12/15/19 Pizza delivery after church when having visitors makes everyone happy.
12/16/19 A snowy day at home, able to avoid driving in the mess!

12/17/19 Good post-op visit for my husband with the surgeon!! This is huge.
12/18/19 The husband's bloodwork came back within normal limits!! 
12/19/19 Two sleeping babes at the same time, a little rest for me. 

12/20/19 Blessed with some very nice Christmas gifts from the babies' families! (They went over and beyond to express their appreciation and I am so very touched!)  
12/21/19 Having all three of my young adults home for the next few weeks.  

Saturday, December 14, 2019

What Do I Do All Day?

My homeschool career is mostly over with only one student home, ready to graduate in May, doing his own thing.  Last school year I decided to find a job to do at home after thinking long and hard about working outside of the home. I even went to an interview at a local school! 

My heart has always been at home, so I started to think about what I could do from home that I am good at.  And about that time, someone from church put a notice on a Facebook group that she was looking for someone to care for her new 12-week old baby.  That was over a year ago.  I have had quite the year.  In March, I saw another notice in the same group for another baby.  Now I have a 17-month-old boy and an 11-month-old girl coming to my home four and three days a week. 

The whole idea was quite a change for me. I had to relearn all that I had forgotten about babies.  And I had forgotten a lot!  And I also fell in love!  I love those babies!  I love their families.  It is hard, honest work.  Those babies keep me busy from 8 to 5.  My own family has sacrificed and fell in love with the babies, too.  And the babies love them.  Their families trust us with their most precious children. 

A year ago we did not know that my husband would end up having major abdominal surgery this past November and we would need every extra penny I have earned for insurance deductibles.  God knew.  I am thankful for the work, the joy the babies bring, their families' friendships.  And it is wonderful to see how my children have learned to care for little ones, a valuable life skill. 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Time For a Reboot

Well hello, friends!!

I am back.  I am going to pick up where I left off because so much has happened in almost 2 years, 2 years!!!  Anyway, I am going to blog to please myself, record my hum-drum life so that I can remember these precious days the Lord has blessed me with.  So let us do get on with it!!!  :)

My most beloved kitchen appliance, my slow cooker, died last week.  I have been known as The Queen of the Crockpot around my circles for awhile. I mean I really loved that thing!!!!  We were joined at the hip.  And it was a nice one, an All-Clad!!!  It lasted for over 10 years.  I always told myself that if anything happened to it, I would rush out and get a new one.

Enter the Instant Pot!!  My father purchased this Instant Pot a few years ago and never used it beyond the first few times experimenting.  He, bless his heart, decided to give it to me, way before my slow cooker died.  I was always curious about them and scared to death of them at the same time!  Silly really.

I have decided to give it a go, a real go.  I am going to wait for 6 months and see if I can live without my slow cooker.  This one is a basic model, 6 quarts.  I think it will do fine with my shrinking family.  (3 in college this coming fall!)

I just love how the Lord orchestrates things like this.  He knew my slow cooker was going to die. He knew my Dad had an unloved Instant Pot. He even knew that Walmart pick up was going to give me 36 eggs for the price of 12 this week.  (What??)  So my first pressure cooking will be of hard-boiled eggs!  Wish me luck!!