Saturday, December 7, 2019

Time For a Reboot

Well hello, friends!!

I am back.  I am going to pick up where I left off because so much has happened in almost 2 years, 2 years!!!  Anyway, I am going to blog to please myself, record my hum-drum life so that I can remember these precious days the Lord has blessed me with.  So let us do get on with it!!!  :)

My most beloved kitchen appliance, my slow cooker, died last week.  I have been known as The Queen of the Crockpot around my circles for awhile. I mean I really loved that thing!!!!  We were joined at the hip.  And it was a nice one, an All-Clad!!!  It lasted for over 10 years.  I always told myself that if anything happened to it, I would rush out and get a new one.

Enter the Instant Pot!!  My father purchased this Instant Pot a few years ago and never used it beyond the first few times experimenting.  He, bless his heart, decided to give it to me, way before my slow cooker died.  I was always curious about them and scared to death of them at the same time!  Silly really.

I have decided to give it a go, a real go.  I am going to wait for 6 months and see if I can live without my slow cooker.  This one is a basic model, 6 quarts.  I think it will do fine with my shrinking family.  (3 in college this coming fall!)

I just love how the Lord orchestrates things like this.  He knew my slow cooker was going to die. He knew my Dad had an unloved Instant Pot. He even knew that Walmart pick up was going to give me 36 eggs for the price of 12 this week.  (What??)  So my first pressure cooking will be of hard-boiled eggs!  Wish me luck!!


  1. Oh my gosh girl it has been a long time for you.. But i am so glad we have still kept in touch outside of blogdome... You are a treasured friend.. and I been thinking about going back to pick up where I left off on mine but its only been months where you have been yep alsmost 2 years!!

    1. If you reboot, let me know, but having a little nugget would be a blogging challenge!! Thanks for hanging in there with me all these years!!!

  2. What I nice gift! I'm glad you are liking it. I still have 2 crockpots, a larger older one that I keep thinking will die soon and a nice smaller one that is great most of the time but sometimes too small for large roasts or whole chickens. Sometimes I wish I could get rid of so many small appliances, but it's that one time a year or so that I use them. I love my old rice cooker and was thinking when it died I might consolidate and get an Instant Pot but time will tell.

  3. Hellooooo Jenn4Him! Shani started it. I've come back out of seclusion. You have been through the valley and back without me ever knowing. It's so sad when we lose touch, isn't it? I'm glad to hear Jeff is on the mend, and that you are stronger for it today. ♥ Do you love your IP? I am disenchanted, but I know so many cooks who love theirs!

  4. Welcome back! I have been out of touch for a while, busy with family and flu, but it was so good to get your comments and to read that you are going to get back to blogging about all the good that God is doing for you. Just watching you is an encouragement!
