Saturday, December 21, 2019

See Grace? Say Thanks, Always!

Nearly every day, I take a moment and write in my notebook something for which I am thankful.  I've been in this habit for several years now (inspired by Anne Voskamp's 1000 Gifts).  I really enjoy looking back at previous entries, too. 

Recently, our pastor gave us the assignment to write down 10 things a day for a week!  While I decided to only write down 5, it was an interesting exercise, even for someone used to the task.  He told us, "When you see grace, say thanks, always." 

I am very grateful in general, especially now that we have come through a challenging and long season of illness.  I thought this week I would record my observations of grace here along with a few pictures that I have enjoyed recently. 

12/14/19 The gift of a relaxing Saturday afternoon at home.
12/15/19 Pizza delivery after church when having visitors makes everyone happy.
12/16/19 A snowy day at home, able to avoid driving in the mess!

12/17/19 Good post-op visit for my husband with the surgeon!! This is huge.
12/18/19 The husband's bloodwork came back within normal limits!! 
12/19/19 Two sleeping babes at the same time, a little rest for me. 

12/20/19 Blessed with some very nice Christmas gifts from the babies' families! (They went over and beyond to express their appreciation and I am so very touched!)  
12/21/19 Having all three of my young adults home for the next few weeks.  


  1. How was you christmas? I love these post and will try it too. Write down 10 things a day for a week.

  2. A wounerful gratitude list. I bought a 5-yr journal, but eventually forgot about it. I always have good intentions, but never stay with it, sorry to say.
